First International Workshop on
Camera-Based Document Analysis and Recognition
August 29, 2005
Olympic Parktel, Seoul, Korea
(Conference hotel of ICDAR2005)
Seoul, Korea
*** The CBDAR2005 proceedings are available ***
CBDAR2005 was held successfully with many participants. Thank you!!
CBDAR2005 is a satellite workshop of ICDAR2005.
- [Latest News]
September 4, 2005 The presentation material of the keynote speech (presentation and two movies) are available.
August 26, 2005 Whole proceedings in one large PDF file is available. August 26, 2005 The paper O2-4 is available. August 24, 2005 The paper P2 is available. August 22, 2005 The paper O3-4 is available. August 22, 2005 The paper P3 is available. August 22, 2005 The proceedings are available except for papers: O2-4, O3-4, P2 and P3. August 18, 2005 The registration information has been updated. August 18, 2005 How to use wireless LAN at the hotel is available. August 11, 2005 The program is available. August 9, 2005 The floor plan is available. July 23, 2005 An error of the list of accepted papers is corrected. July 11, 2005 The page limit of accepted papers is extended to 8 pages. July 11, 2005 The list of accepted papers is available. May 29, 2005 The author notification and the camera-ready paper due have been extended. May 12, 2005 The paper submission due has been extended. April 20, 2005 The workshop site has been decided. April 20, 2005 The submission page and its brief instruction are available. March 14, 2005 The Call for Papers is available.
- [Important Dates]
Paper Submission due: May 14, 2005
May 22, 2005: 5:00 AM (EDT)Author Notification: June 27, 2005
July 8, 2005Camera-ready paper due: July 20, 2005
July 29, 2005
- [Background]
- Pervasive use of camera phones and hand-held digital still and video cameras have let us discover that image-based recording of information by just pressing a button is really convenient. In addition to imaging faces and scenes, people have started capturing documents to preserve contents. Cameras, which are now functioning as personal copiers, will soon produce a huge number of imaged documents that are beyond manual handling. Although traditional techniques developed in the field of document analysis and recognition provide us with a good starting point, they cannot be directly used on camera captured images. This leads us to a new sub-field of research.
- CBDAR2005 is the first international workshop with a special focus on camera captured documents. Presentation of up-to-date issues and techniques as well as discussions on future directions will boost research in this relatively new area. Participants will share experiences and problems in the area.
- [Topics of Interest]
- include, but are not limited to:
- camera based acquisition
- camera based document image restoration, such as dewarping and deblurring
- image degradation models for camera captured characters/documents
- document image quality analysis
- character segmentation/recognition from scene images
- layout analysis and document image understanding for camera captured documents
- document image retrieval
- devices and algorithms for camera-based document analysis and recognition
- performance evaluation and its metrics
- applications such as translation, reading text for blind people,...
- [Workshop Format]
- This will be a 100% participation, one-day, single-track workshop for a maximum of 50 participants. Sessions of short presentations will be followed by discussion sessions in small groups. Discussions will be focused on key issues required to make progress in research of this field. At the end of the workshop, the results of the discussions will be summarized.
- [Publications]
- The accepted papers will be published before the workshop. The summaries of the discussions will be published online, along with the papers, after the workshop.
- [Submission Information]
- The workshop invites the submission of original, previously unpublished work. It also welcomes, with some restrictions, submissions which are closely related to work submitted also to the ICDAR2005. Please use our workshop to present work that **differs materially** from your ICDAR presentation(s) in any of several ways:
- recent results too late for the ICDAR deadline
- motivations and broader implications of work presented in more detail than in your ICDAR paper(s)
- methodological issues facing the CBDAR community
- proposals for community-wide data sets, experiments, competitions, web sites, etc.
- Papers should be submitted via the Web in camera-ready format and should not exceed 6 printed pages. The format adopted is that of the IEEE-CS Conference Publications and is the same as that of ICDAR2005.
- Full details of the formatting instructions, a sample document and templates for LaTeX and MS-Word users can be found at the ICDAR2005 submissions site. PDF is preferred as the submission format, though PostScript may also be used.
- [Workshop Co-Chairs]
- Koichi Kise, Osaka Prefecture Univ., Japan
- David S. Doermann, Univ. of Maryland, USA
- [Program Committee]
- Thomas Breuel, DFKI, Germany
- Yeongwoo Choi, Sookmyung Women's University, Korea
- Daniel DeMenthon, Univ. of Maryland, USA
- Andreas Dengel, DFKI, Germany
- Masashi Koga, Hitachi CRL, Japan
- Simon M. Lucas, Univ. of Essex, UK
- Majid Mirmehdi, Univ. of Bristol, UK
- Gregory K. Myers, SRI International, USA
- Shinichiro Omachi, Tohoku Univ., Japan
- Jun Sun, Fujitsu R&D Center, China
- Chew Lim Tan, NUS, Singapore
- Seiichi Uchida, Kyushu Univ., Japan
- [Inquiries]